Blog entry 1 (Assignment 2): Freedom is responsibility

South Africans celebrate Human Rights Day on 21 March. In 1960 many died after what was a peaceful march at first turned out to be a bloody massacre, 21st of March is therefore celebrated every year in S.A to remind all that everyone has the right to life and that everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected. This is recognized in the constitution as a Human dignity right.
Sharpeville massacre

Four week and six days later South Africa once again celebrates another important date 27 April,  this days marks the first non-racial democratic elections of 1994, same year when Nelson Mandela was elected as the first black president in South Africa. This day reminds South African that they all have the right to freedom of religion, belief and opinion.

Human Right Day

On human right day one human right stands out for me, the right to human dignity, everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected. This right ca easily be harmed by others by simply things such as gossip or spreading false information by an individual. We think of breaking the laws, in most cases we imagine big things such as murder-abusing someone’s right to life but we forget that small things such as being intellectual and kind about what we speak about, is the aim for most constitutions around the world. Human or any right in that matter are put up as laws to create s-pace that is kind and gentle for the human race. For example, a year ago in South Africa there was a video that was trending on social media, it was of a minor seducing the camera in that video explicit images of private part were exposed. I am not saying it was okay for that child to do such but, the video was meant for one person who betrayed this girl and broadcasted the video. Most people were sharing the video as if that was not betraying her human dignity. I think this is a simple and most recent way other people’s right are abused, through social media. I believe that in few years’ time the constitution will have to adjust itself even further because of social media.

Freedom Day

 On freedom right day I would like us to remember that every one of us as individual has the freedom of religion, belief and opinion. On social media you find that a lot churches are made fun of, for an example ZCC. This causes members of this church to lose confident in their belief system and it not fair for people who were born in these churches because they whole identity is knitted to their religion. You making fun of they religion, is basically telling them that they claws as individual. As long as we live in South Africa we all possesses a right and freedom to religion, belief and opinion. Therefore let us respect one another.
Zion Christian Church (ZCC)


Interesting fact about these two rights is that they can twist and tie around each other, because everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected. One’s freedom to belief and religion can easily harm another’s dignity a good example I can think of, even though it not a local based movement is the Ku Klux Klan. Even though these rights are ours they are not ours to keep or protect voluntary but what we can do is keep and protect other’s and pray they do the same, well with the little help from the government institution if otherwise.


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